26 Names with Glory in Meaning for Boys and Girls

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword Glory. Baby names that mean Glory for your baby boy and baby girl. See all the latest names meaning Glory, Find rare and unique names that stand for Glory, What name means Glory? All Glory names for girls, Glory names for boys.

  1. Veroslav

    Faith, Glory Faith Glory Virtue
  2. Kvetoslav

    Flower, Glory Flower Glory
  3. Kvetoslava

    Flower, Glory Flower Glory
  4. Bretislav

    Cry, Weep, Glory, Glorious Noise Glorious Glory
  5. Wislawa

    Great Glory Glorious Glory Great Greatness
  6. Wislaw

    Great Glory Glorious Glory Great Greatness
  7. Wieslawa

    Great Glory Glorious Glory Great Greatness
  8. Wieslaw

    Great Glory Glorious Glory Great Greatness
  9. Wielislaw

    Great Glory Glorious Glory Great Greatness
  10. Sulislaw

    Good, Goodness, Glory, Better Fame Fame Glory Good
  11. Leslawa

    Glory Glory
  12. Leslaw

    Glory Glory
  13. Lechoslawa

    Glory, Glory of the Polish Glory
  14. Lechoslaw

    Glory, Glory of the Polish Glory
  15. Aegle

    Light, Radiance, Glory Glory Light Radiance Radiant
  16. Azamat

    Majesty, Glory Glorious Glory Majestic Majesty
  17. Amjaad امجاد

    Noble, Admirable and Praiseworthy, Glory, Distinction, Honor Admirable Glory Honor Honorable Noble Praiseworthy Worthy
  18. Fakhriya

    Proud, Honorary, Glory, Pride (for noble cause); Fem. of Fakhri. Glory Honor Honorable Noble
  19. Zuljalal ذوالجلال

    One who is blessed with might and glory Blessed Glory
  20. Mehrnaz

    The sun's glory Glory
