Sahabah Names List - 84 Inspirational Baby Names

List of Sahabah Names, Companions of the Prophet Names with Meaning in English and Urdu. List of Sahabi names (names of companions of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH). Sahabah or Ashab names with Meaning.

  1. Buqayrah بقیرة

    Name of a female narrator of Hadith
  2. Bulhut بلحة

    Name of narrator of Hadith
  3. Barzah بارزاہ

    Name of narrator of hadith
  4. Baakhtari بختاری

    A narrator of hadih
  5. Surayj سریج

    A jurist and authority on the Hadith had this name.
  6. Jumaymah جمیمہ

    Names of a female companions, A great amount of tangled grass and bushes Companion
  7. Jasrah جزرہ

    A narrator of Hadith,
  8. Samawiyah سماویہ

    Another name of Hazrat Fatima
  9. Hamnah حمنہ

    Black grapes, A narrator of hadith
  10. Ghuzayyah جھوزیة

    A female narrator of Hadith.
  11. Abu Ayub ابو ایوب

    Father of Ayub, Name of Sahabi Of Prophet Muhammad SAWW Father
  12. Habbah حبّہ

    Ulfat, Muhabbat, Shoq Love
  13. Humaina حمینہ

    Red grapes, Surkh Angoor
  14. Asadullah اسداللہ

    Lion of Allah. Title of Ali Lion
  15. Siddiq صدیق

    Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to Allah, Truthful, Loyal, Devoted, True friend Devoted Friend God-fearing Loyal Pious Truth Truthful Virtuous
  16. Memona میمونہ

    Benefit, Blessings and Profit, Blessed, Thriving, Prosperous Benefit Blessed Profit Prosperous
  17. Arqam ارقم

    Type of snake, Name of Sahaba
  18. Aqrab عقرب

  19. Ayman ایمن

    Blessed, Good fortune, Benefit and Profit, On the right side Benefit Blessed Fortune Good Good Fortune Good Luck Profit Right Strength
  20. Sohaib صہیب

    One who has reddish-brown hair
