105 Names with Moon in Meaning for Boys and Girls

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword Moon. Baby names that mean Moon for your baby boy and baby girl. See all the latest names meaning Moon, Find rare and unique names that stand for Moon, What name means Moon? All Moon names for girls, Moon names for boys.

  1. Aigheen

    Possessor of the moon, Beautiful, Like the moon Beautiful Moon
  2. Abdaar آبدار

    Full moon, Moon and Moonlight, A girl who is mature in her thinking Light Moon
  3. Ibdar ابدار

    Light Of The Full Moon Light Moon
  4. Zabarqan زبرقان

    Chaudhween ka chand Moon
  5. Gul Mehtab گل مہتاب

    Moon like flower, Chaand Jesa Phool Flower Moon Rose
  6. Trifa

    Moonlight Light Moon
  7. Aynaz

    Moon Moon
  8. Cyra

    Moon Moon
  9. Mahasti

    The moon's being Moon
  10. Mahsheed

    Moonlight Light Moon
  11. Mahvash

    Moon-like Moon
  12. Mahdis

    Moon, Chand Moon
  13. Mahnaz

    The moon's glory Glory Moon
  14. Mehtab

    Chand ki roshni Moon
  15. Badir

    Moon, MoonLight Light Moon
  16. Shahraan

    Moon, Moonlight Light Moon
  17. Aebak

    Poora chand Moon
  18. Ayda

    In the moon Moon
  19. Zunair زنیر

    Moonlight, Chand ki Roshni, Chamak Light Moon
  20. Qamrosh قمروش

    Chand jesa haseen Moon
