35 Names with Precious in Meaning for Boys and Girls

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword Precious. Baby names that mean Precious for your baby boy and baby girl. See all the latest names meaning Precious, Find rare and unique names that stand for Precious, What name means Precious? All Precious names for girls, Precious names for boys.

  1. Adal

    Noble, Precious, Insaaf, Baradri Noble Precious
  2. Ghalia غالیہ

    Precious, Priceless, Valuable, Dear, Beloved Beloved Dear Love Precious Priceless Valuable
  3. Jawahar جواہر

    Jewels, Gemstones, Precious stones Gemstone Jewel Precious Stone
  4. Elmas الماس

    Diamond, Heera, Precious metal Diamond Precious
  5. Durrah

    A large or precious pearl, Name of a Sahaabia(RA) Pearl Precious
  6. Neelam

    Blue Gem. Precious Stone, Asmani rang ka qeemti pathhar Blue Color Precious Sky
  7. Nafeesa نفيسہ

    Valuable, Precious, Extremely desired Desire Desired Extreme Precious
  8. Nafees نفيس

    Valuable, Precious, Extremely desired Desire Desired Extreme Precious
  9. Sehba صہبا

    Claret, precious, Wine of White Grapes Precious White
  10. Samin

    precious, Expensive, Topmost, High rank, Precious
  11. Sameen

    Very precious, Valuable, Costly, Expensive, Precious
  12. Zonira زونیرہ

    Precious Stone, Expensive Jewel. Jewel Precious
  13. Nadira نادرہ

    Rare, Extraordinary, Choice, Precious, Anokhi Extraordinary Precious
  14. Nayab نایاب

    Very Rare, Precious, Exclusive Precious
  15. Anam انعم

    Present, Precious Gift from Allah ,which will change the world through her smile. Gift Precious Smile Smiling
