Quranic Baby Names for Boys and Girls with Meanings

Quranic names are the names that are mentioned directly or indirectly in the Quran, List of all names that are mentioned in the Quran, Quranic girl names, Quranic boy names. Muslim baby names inspired from the Quran with meaning, origins, religions, lucky number and more.

  1. Matiur Rehman مطیع الرحمٰن

    Obedient of The Most Merciful Merciful Obedient
  2. Mahbubur Rehman محبوب الرحمٰن

    Beloved of The Most Merciful Beloved Love Merciful
  3. Lutfur Rehman لطف الرحمٰن

    Kindness of The Most Merciful Kind Kindness Merciful
  4. Atiq Ur Rehman عتیق الرحمٰن

    Atiq means Old, Ancient and Rehman means The Most Merciful One Merciful
  5. Khalil Ur Rehman خلیل الرحمٰن

    Friend of The Most Merciful One Friend Merciful
  6. Habib Ur Rehman حبیب الرحمٰن

    Beloved friend to The Most Merciful Beloved Friend Love Merciful
  7. Fazl Ur Rehman فضل الرحمٰن

    God's bounty, God's excellence, God's generosity, Gift from God Bounty Excellence Generosity Gift
  8. Aziz Ur Rehman عزیز الرحمٰن

    Dear to The Most Merciful Dear Merciful
  9. Anisur Rehman انیس الرحمٰن

    Companion of The Most Merciful Companion Merciful
  10. Waheeda Ur Rehman وحیدہ الرحمٰن

    Waheeda means Sole, Single and Rehman means The Most Merciful Merciful
  11. Ateeb Ur Rehman اطیب الرحمٰن

    Devoted to Rehman Devoted
  12. Ajlah اْجلة

    Bald or hairless. It's the name of a narrator of Hadith.
  13. Aaqilah عاقلہ

    Intelligent, Educated and Intellectual , Wise Educated Intellect Intellectual Intelligent Wise
  14. Fazeelah فضیلہ

    Excellence, Merit, Virtue, Quality, One who is learned and Distinguished Excellence Learn Learned Virtue
  15. Bakkar بکار

    One who leaves early in the morning, person who leaves home early for work. Dawn House Morning
  16. Romaan رومان

    Anaar (pomegranate), Loving , Name of Shabi
  17. Zahauddin ظاہ الدین

    Radiance of the faith, Brilliance of the faith Faith Faithful Radiance
  18. Zafaruddin ظفرالدین

    Triumph of the faith, A person who is a cause for success of the Muslims Faith Faithful
  19. Abdul Warith عبدالوریتة

    Servant of the Supreme Inheritor
  20. Abdul Waliy عبدالولی

    Servant of the Protecting
